About Us

Omega Metals, LLC is located in Central Wisconsin. We are an all-encompassing stainless steel service center. Omega Metals was established in 2017.

State-of-the-Art Cut to Length De-coiling Line and Polisher

Omega Metals, LLC can de-coil 22ga. – 7ga. with widths in 36", 48", 60", and 72" wide and lengths up to 40'. We keep roughly 400-500 thousand lbs. of stainless steel coil on hand at all times to meet our customers' needs. All of our material is Dual Certified.

Omega Metals can polish up to a #4 Dairy/Sanitary. We can polish 18ga. – 3/8" plate in 48", 60" and 72" wide and up to 40' long or 1900 lbs. We also supply polished coil 20ga. 60" and can polish HRAP/Mill plate to a #4.